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At the Hospital

Depending on the procedure, you will be in the hospital for between one and three nights, assuming there are no complicating factors or conditions that require you to stay longer. A gastric sleeve typically requires 1 to 2 nights while a gastric bypass requires 1 to 3 nights.

Immediately after surgery, you will be transferred to the recovery room with round the clock nursing attention. Shortly after you wake up from anesthesia, you will be asked to stand up and walk around. This may be challenging in the beginning, but it is important to get blood flowing to your extremities and reduce the risk of blood clots and infection.

During this time, it may be somewhat difficult to remember postop advice that you are given by Dr. Higa or the nursing staff. If you can, include a loved one or trusted friend for these conversations (in person or by phone), it will be helpful to have another set of ears. Otherwise, try to write down what you hear or have one of the staff members do so for you. Review your notes once the anesthesia has worn off.

When Dr. Higa believes that your condition is stable enough to warrant discharge, you will be sent home to continue your early recovery. You will not be able to drive, so please ensure that someone is there to take you home. You should also have someone help you with chores around the house for the first several days after surgery. Be sure to arrange this transportation and assistance before surgery so that everything is in place at discharge, and you don’t have to worry about it while still under the influence of anesthesia.

As mentioned before, you will see Dr. Higa and the nursing staff during your stay at the hospital and you are more than welcome to ask any questions about the postoperative process. Once discharged, you will always have access to our office for further questions.