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Grocery Shopping Like a Bariatric Patient

We often take grocery shopping for granted. For years, we may have bought the same foods without considering how they affect our health or weight. These foods are often the ones most heavily marketed on TV, in magazines or in coupon books. Unfortunately, these are also often the most heavily processed foods and the ones that can cause the most damage to our diets and general metabolic health. Whether you have undergone bariatric surgery or are considering doing so in […]

Head Vs. Body – Are You Really Hungry?

So, you think you are hungry – but are you really? Is your body hungry, or is it head hunger? Head hunger can be caused by different triggers, but emotions are often the culprit. Feelings like boredom, loneliness or sadness aren’t fun, and we all feel them. The first reaction for some of us is to distract. A quick, easy and often satisfying distraction is eating. That’s why it’s called comfort food. What we see on TV can often be […]

Need More Energy After Bariatric Surgery? Eat the Right Foods

“I would love to work out, but I have no energy.” How many times have you said that? It’s a common problem we all encounter – weight loss surgery or not. Food is fuel. So, it stands to reason that eating the right kinds of food after your weight loss surgical procedure can give you more energy for exercise and other activities you love. The kind and quantity of food we put in our body has a big impact on […]

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