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Can You Have Orthopedic Surgery With Obesity?

One of the most concerning and debilitating consequences of excess weight and obesity revolves around how it affects our joints. We all have experienced adding several pounds over the summer or on vacation, making us feel sluggish and creating real physical Impediments. What you feel during these times is matched and even magnified in your joints. For example, it’s estimated that your knees experience an additional 4 pounds of pressure for every pound of excess body weight. You can imagine […]

Why Does the Bariatric Surgery Process Take So Long?

What stands out to most patients when they begin their bariatric journey is how long it takes to go from the initial consultation to surgery. After all, we’re all aware that obesity is a disease that causes several follow-on metabolic disorders that can be debilitating or even life-threatening. We also know that the obesity problem is not improving in the United States or worldwide. Unfortunately, while weight loss medications and injections that are currently so popular do offer a short-term […]

Beef Substitutes: Legit or All Hype?

With excess weight and obesity running rampant in modern-day society and no end or significant improvement in sight, we have become a culture obsessed with dieting and physical health. For many of us, years of living with obesity make it very difficult to lose and keep weight off over the long term. This is why about 90% of patients who follow a diet and exercise program may lose weight but ultimately regain it once their diet and exercise program becomes […]

What If My Insurance Doesn’t Cover Bariatric Surgery

When patients think of surgery, the first thought that pops into their minds is the cost, and rightly so. Surgery is, by any measure, an expensive proposition. When it comes to semi-elective procedures like bariatric surgery, there may not be the immediate desire to pay out of pocket, unlike more urgent surgical needs where there’s simply no choice. As such, patients quickly look to their insurance company to see if bariatric surgery is covered. The sad truth is that many […]

Can Hormone Levels Be the Key to Maintaining Your Weight Later in Life?

The endocrine system of the human body is a finely tuned machine. Hormones secreted throughout the body regulate everything from our mood to heart rate and even how much fat we accumulate (and where). When we gain weight and add visceral or bad fat (typically around our waist), we can often throw our bodies out of balance and cause hormonal changes that affect our metabolic system significantly. Both men and women are affected by hormonal imbalances. For example, some of […]

Why You May Not Qualify for a Joint Replacement if You Are Morbidly Obese

Morbidly obese patients simply have not had as much access to joint replacement surgeries as their regular BMI counterparts. It is not uncommon for an obese patient to go to an orthopedic surgeon and be told to come back after they have lost weight. This is incredibly frustrating for patients who suffer from what can be debilitating joint pain. They could have been struggling to lose weight for years, and now the pain in their joints makes it difficult or […]