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Coping With Loss as a Bariatric Patient

Life can be cruel. While losing weight and improving your health makes just about everything easier to deal with, significant losses in our lives can still put pressure on us. Often, loss eliminates the motivation we once had and dampens our will to succeed. Everyone’s losses are different, and we react uniquely to them. Some want to curl up in a ball and stay inside for days. Others take out their losses in bouts of anger and frustration. Yet others […]

Eating in a Rush – What to Do?

Life gets busy. So what do you do when you’re in a rush but still need something to eat? Should you eat or wait for the next meal? If you do eat, how big should the meal be? Fast food? Home cooked? It’s normal to have these questions when rushing out the door. Below we’ll offer some tips on what foods could make sense when headed to work, which fast food options to consider, how to be prepared in these […]

Regaining Weight? Don’t Quit Your Support Group

You’ve heard it repeatedly, starting from before your procedure, support is essential to long-term success in your bariatric journey. Support groups are not just places to commiserate with people in the same position as you are. Instead, they are important forums for discussion about strategies to lose additional weight, places where you can celebrate your successes with others, who are cheering you on, and a place where you can turn to get practical advice and help when you’ve gone off […]

Who Needs to Know You Are Considering Bariatric Surgery?

Let’s cut right to the chase. The decision to have bariatric surgery is a very personal one. Many factors come into play when you make that decision, and whom you tell is, frankly, entirely up to you. We have some patients that wish to tell everyone they know about their decision, while others don’t say a word to anyone but their medical team. Either way is acceptable, but there are a few considerations: If you keep your decision about bariatric […]