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Weight Loss Surgery

What Decisions Go Into Having Bariatric Surgery?

You’ve probably agonized over decisions far smaller than having a life-altering surgery. No one can question that this decision is one of the biggest you’ll ever make. But what factors should go into deciding to have bariatric surgery or continue with the status quo? While we are bariatric surgeons, we do not, by any means, believe that bariatric surgery is suitable for everyone. Hopefully, considering the following will help you make the right decision.

From a Bariatric Patient: 6 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Bariatric Surgery

As a person who prides herself on her ability to research any topic to death, I thought I knew everything there was to know about bariatric surgery and recovering from it before I walked in the hospital doors. In some cases, I was happy; in others, less so, to learn, I could not have been more wrong. Everyone has a different experience when they go through bariatric surgery, so I can’t promise you that my exact experience will be the […]

Five Reasons Many Patients Finally Decide to Have Weight Loss Surgery

Deciding to have weight loss surgery is not easy. Many people consider it for a long time before eventually making the decision. Before taking the first step, many factors must be considered – watching a seminar or calling a bariatric surgeon. Several steps need to be taken, and criteria met before you can qualify as a candidate for weight loss surgery. But the decision is transformative. Like all life-changing decisions, there are risks and benefits to consider. You will also […]

The Importance of Regulating Your Sleep Cycles for Weight Loss

When putting together a weight loss plan, studies show that getting an adequate and consistent quality sleep is critical. Studies show that inadequate sleep while dieting can reduce the amount of weight loss and increase the risk of overeating. A lack of sleep can affect the body’s regulation of ghrelin and leptin, two neurotransmitters that regulate the body’s appetite and capacity to feel full after a meal. Our body naturally varies the levels of these two neurotransmitters during the day […]

Is Bariatric Surgery a Drastic Measure?

Most of us begin to struggle with our weight past 30 or so. Some have struggled with excess weight from their teenage years or even earlier. When the extra weight becomes an issue, the everyday struggle we all share is repeated failure of diet and exercise alone. It is estimated it only about 10% of obese people who lose a significant amount of weight with diet and exercise alone manage to maintain this new lower weight over the long term. […]

The Ideal Gastric Bypass Patient

The gastric bypass has been the gold standard in bariatric surgery for several decades. By combining restriction and malabsorption, it offers the best potential weight loss of the major bariatric procedures available today. And while the gastric bypass is no longer the most performed bariatric procedure in the United States (gastric sleeve is), it can still be the best option for patients looking to lose weight and eliminate certain obesity related diseases. In this article, we will address the two […]

The Benefits of Bariatric Surgery Beyond Weight Loss

The topic of this blog is particularly interesting because while the most visible benefit of bariatric surgery is weight loss, it is not the most important nor is it the one that we focus on. In fact, we consider weight loss to be a very welcome side effect to the true purpose of bariatric surgery – disease improvement and/or resolution. What does that mean exactly? When we talk to a patient about bariatric surgery, we want them to understand that […]

A Tucson Alternative to Bariatric Surgery in Mexico

When looking for the bariatric surgeon, many of you will have come across advertisements for surgeons and facilities in Mexico. To be sure, pricing in Mexico can be very favorable. There are also several well-trained surgeons and some quality facilities there. However, Dr. Higa and our hospital partners, understanding that our patients should have access to a lower cost cash pay bariatric surgery option, have created a surgical package that offers the highest quality of care with attractive pricing right here […]

Is Weight Loss Surgery the Easy Way Out?

Sadly, many patients postpone their decision to have weight loss surgery because they or others may believe that it is the easy way out and diet and exercise is the only way to lose weight. Sadly, this is far from the truth. In fact, approximately 90 to 95% of patients who follow a diet and exercise regimen alone are able maintain their results over the long term. The other 90 to 95% typically regain their weight and sometimes gain even […]

The Difference Between Weight Loss Surgery and Metabolic Surgery

Simply put, the term “weight loss surgery” does not fully or accurately describe the benefits of the bariatric procedures we offer. Most patients’ first goal is to lose weight, but for us as clinicians, we are more concerned with the resolution of life shortening and debilitating diseases associated with morbid obesity such as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, certain forms of cancer and much more. As a result, there is a significant push in the clinical realm toward […]

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